This project is actually just a "quick hack" to monitor my energy wirelessly. As I have ordered approx 20-30 nrf24l01+ dongles, I have plenty wireless dongles to spare. I use a simple MSP430 launchpad with the MSP430G2553 microcontroller to give the sensor its "brain". I am thinking of adding a RTC to the system to send a timestamp with every counter value.
The system uses the red light pulses emitted by the smart meter to determine the current electricity consumption. Each pulse corresponds to 2Wh, so 500 pulses are 1KWh.
To prevent that the wireless link wreaks havoc with the counting process, I've decided to transmit a counter value for each pulse. This counter on the launchpad increases with every pulse.
The current routine involves a while(!event) loop to wait for the red pulse. I want to use one of the Low Power Modes (LPM3 or LPM4) to reduce battery usage.
Part of this project will be a webpage in Flask to show some statistics.