
Wifi Water Sensor

ESP8266 ESP-12 based WIFI Wireless Water Sensor. Detects presence of water (rain, etc).

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ESP8266 ESP-12 based WIFI Wireless Water Sensor. Detects presence of water (rain, etc).

ESP8266 ESP-12 WIFI Water Sensor detects presence of water.

It detects water presence in the sensor and sends a signal via WIFI using a pull mechanism via TCP protocol. The board can be configured via a web browser to connect to your wireless router. The board can be connected to a serial interface for debugging or reprogramming of the ESP8266 ESP-12, and comes with TX-RX connectors, reset and flash switches, making it flexible for experimenting and prototyping.

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Tamara Gagliardi wrote 07/27/2015 at 07:24 point

Are there any further details as to set the hardware portion to use the MQTT protocol ( Im interested in understanding how, from the time the sensor capture the information, its then collected and aggregated in a central node/hub. 


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Horacio Bouzas wrote 07/12/2015 at 03:24 point

I can give more details on the project or you can go to where I posted an article.

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Gary wrote 07/11/2015 at 18:22 point

any follow up documents, scripts, code?

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