1Step 1
For this procedure, I will assume you're using:
- PIC32MX230F064B
- FTDI FT2232H breakout board
These notes are tested on a Linux system, but these instructions should be helpful for OSX or Windows, as well.
These instructions are for a 'bare-metal' configuration (as opposed to running an application atop an operating-system like Linux or BSD).
These instructions are for command-line based utilities, NOT using an IDE.
(Oh, and I'm certainly no expert, there are probably better instructions out there, somewhere...)
2Step 2
Wire up your PIC32's MINIMUM requirements as-shown:
(a summary of the related Project Log)
(NOTE: If this page wraps-weirdly, try *shrinking* your window-width, counterintuitively)
( '#' = MUST BE CONNECTED ) ( '*' = 5V-tolerant ) 3V3 ^ | \ / 10K PIC32 \ MX2xxFxxxB 3V3 / ___________ ^ | 1k | |_| | | .1uF +-/\/\-- /MCLR -|1*# #28|- AVDD -+--||--. | RA0 -|2 #27|- AVSS / AGND -+-> GND ===.1uF RA1 -|3 26|- RB15 | PGED1/RB0 -|4 25|- RB14 | PGEC1/RB1 -|5 24|- RB13 | RB2 -|6 (#)23|- VUSB3V3 ---> 3V3 v RB3 -|7 22|- RB11 GND<---- GND/VSS-|8# 21|- RB10 10uF TANT/CER ^ RA2 -|9 #20|- VCAP ----||--. | RA3 -|10 #19|- VSS / GND ---+-> GND ===.1uF RB4 -|11 *18|- RB9/TDO | RA4 -|12 *17|- RB8/TCK +------ V+/VDD -|13# *16|- RB7/TDI | TMS/RB5-|14* *15|- VBUS (N/C OK) v |___________| 3V3
(For the 10uF capacitor, I used two parallel 4.7uF tantalums)
The PIC32MX1xxFxxxB series minimum-wiring requirements should be *nearly* identical, though there are some minor, but important, pinout differences.
(NOTE: RB0/RB1 are not available as GPIO by default, due to PGED1/PGEC1 being the In-Circuit Programmer pins!)
3Step 3
Wire the PIC32's JTAG pins to the FT2232H breakout-board/JTAGger:
Pin Mapping: PIC32MX2xxFxxxB JTAG signal FT2232H (JTAGger) 14 TMS AD3 16 TDI AD1 17 TCK AD0 18 TDO AD2 (GND) (GND) (GND) (3V3) (3V3) (3V3) NOTE: I'm assuming you're taking 3V3 FROM the FT2232H breakout-board, to *drive* the PIC32! (Add a large-ish (22+uF) capacitor where 3V3 and GND enter your PIC32's breadboard) NOTE 2: I am NOT connecting nTRST nor nSRST at this point.
4Step 4
Get the software:
These instructions were developed using a hacked version of openOCD 0.90. Early tests worked with 0.80, but with many caveats that I personally found unbearable (e.g. 10 minutes to flash a 64kB device!). I highly recommend you build the hacked version of 0.90.
Microchip's MPLAB xc32-gcc:
Click the "Downloads" Tab, and select the "Compilers" drop-down.
Select the XC32 version for your operating system: "MPLAB® XC32 Compiler v1.40 - Legacy Peripheral support libraries not included"
Note: This is NOT the MPLABX IDE, this is the command-line tool-chain, so you can run e.g. 'xc32-gcc' from the command-line, or use your favorite IDE.
(Yes, I had every intention of using an entirely open-source toolchain, and unfortunately that goal has been above my means. BUT: The XC32 compiler is free, it is gcc, and is in fact open-source. What's NOT open-source is the header and linker-files that come with the package, which are basically necessary).
NOTE: xc32-gcc seems to be working a bit funky with my system... you might have to add extra "escaping" of quotes used on the command-line. E.G. gcc -DTHING="Thing String" may work with your normal GCC package, but xc32-gcc might require xc32-gcc -DTHING=\"Thing String\" (or even -DTHING=\\\"Thing String\\\"!)
5Step 5
OpenOCD configuration files:
On my system, the openOCD configuration files are located in subdirectories under /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/
The FT2232H board, as-wired, matches the "Flyswatter" JTAGger's pinout/configuration. (As-wired, we're neglecting/disregarding the "Flyswatter" buffer-circuitry, so use some common-sense... don't leave it powered-up while changing wiring!)
The file interface/ftdi/flyswatter.cfg was copied and modified for this "hacked" pseudo-flyswatter:
interface ftdi #comment out the following line! #ftdi_device_desc "Flyswatter" ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010 ftdi_layout_init 0x0818 0x0cfb ftdi_layout_signal nTRST -data 0x0010 ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -oe 0x0020 ftdi_layout_signal LED -data 0x0c00
The PIC32MX230F064 does not have a specific configuration-file, so we'll have to create our own.
#This is a copy-paste from pic-p32mx.cfg, and modified for my chip... # ORIGINAL NOTE: # The Olimex PIC-P32MX has a PIC32MX set CPUTAPID 0x14d01053 source [find target/pic32mx.cfg]
(This is necessary because the file target/pic32mx.cfg defaults to a different chip CPUTAPID. If you are using a different chip, openOCD will inform you of the unexpected TAPID, and you can copy/paste that in the above file, instead).From this point on, openOCD can be called via:
openocd -f interface/ftdi/myFlyswatter.cfg -c "adapter_khz 4000" -f board/pic32_my2xx.cfg
NOTE: I have now opted to move my custom configuration files to a separate directory, so they can be copied-over with a project to a different system... This is handled, simply, by changing the -f <file> options, e.g. openocd -f ~/projectCommon/openOCDscripts/myFlyswatter.cfg .... However, of course, the different system still needs the custom-compiled openOCD 0.90, as described earlier.
6Step 6
Automatic flash-programming script:
See the original script at: https://github.com/kinsamanka/PICnc-V2/wiki/OpenOCD-PIC32-Programmer
#!/bin/bash # This is taken almost directly from kinsamanka at github.com: #https://github.com/kinsamanka/PICnc-V2/wiki/OpenOCD-PIC32-Programmer # His file was called pic32openocd #TODO: I need to make sure to check his opensource licensing requests! #TODO: Also need to look into making this device (not board) selectable... # e.g. via MCU...? # (currently I'm using a custom board.cfg) if [ -z $1 ] then echo "firmware file is missing!" echo "Usage: $0 <hexfile>" exit fi # Run openocd, but keep the script running... ('&') openocd -f interface/ftdi/myFlyswatter.cfg -c "adapter_khz 4000" -f board/pic32_my2xx.cfg & sleep 1 #Clever(?) piping... and nc instead of telnet... ( echo 'reset init' sleep 1 echo pic32mx unlock 0 sleep 1 echo reset init echo program $1 reset exit ) | nc localhost 4444 > /dev/null # It appears that nc keeps running until the exit command (in program) is # executed, which causes the 'telnet' connection to drop *and* exits # openOCD... # So... I don't know, off-hand, how to use the same openocd session to # *resume*... # This bit causes the flashed program to execute # (Otherwise, it would remain in 'halt' until power-cycled # or /MCLR manually asserted (via pushbutton?)) openocd -f interface/ftdi/myFlyswatter.cfg -c "adapter_khz 4000" -f board/pic32_my2xx.cfg & sleep 1 ( echo reset halt sleep 1 echo resume sleep 1 echo shutdown ) | nc localhost 4444 > /dev/null
(Don't forget to mark this file executable!)
So now you can run, e.g.:
pic32_flash.sh flashFile.hex
NOTE: This process is *very slow*, it takes nearly 10 minutes to flash 64KB...
There appears to be a configuration option I've not yet figured out, as it gives the following messages:
Error: mini program did not return to start
Error: fast_data (0xa00008d8) is within write area (0xa0000958-0xa0001158).
Error: Change work-area-phys or load_image address!
Warn : Falling back to non-bulk writeUPDATE: I am now able to flash in a matter of seconds... It was an ordeal I don't remember, and the project-log on it is equally-convoluted. But if you wish to attempt it see here: https://hackaday.io/project/6450/log/20840-wherein-we-discover-with-some-amount-of-certainty
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