This is a major event
10/26/2015 at 17:23 • 0 commentsPuffing good shit, even though that bullshit's cheaper
It's magic, we're turning this bag into ether
Yo, is your hand on the wheel?
Steer, you in control
Take your foot off the gas now hit cruise control
Well hackers I'm sad to say this will probably be the last update from me. I recently became unemployed again due to the job I landed being too physically demanding. It sucks being 20 and sick. It sucks even more when due to political bullshit you are forced to relocated to another coast of the country leaving behind family and friends while being sick and in turn struggle to hold a job.
I want to give a shout out to:
DIY Animatronicsfor suggesting I leave this http://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Syringe-Pump-Rack/ here. While it might not have the ease of putting a bottle on a linear actuator and letting it mix, this syringe rack will certainly get the job done. I'm sure if anyone is motivated enough to build one of these I have certainly laid the ground work on this project. I just don't have the funds to invest myself at this moment in time.
I Survived this.
10/25/2015 at 02:07 • 0 comments3rd rail jam. Mountain Creek NJ 2011. Knocked a GoPro mount right of my helmet from an impact to the back side of my head.
Neuroprotection, immune suppresion, anti-inflamitory.
10/25/2015 at 00:46 • 0 comments -
E-cigarettes 95% less harmful than tobacco
08/20/2015 at 05:53 • 0 commentsWell I missed the deadline to have a video uploaded :( there's always next year.....
Sometimes life gets in the way and even amazing projects like the Hackaday Prize have to be temporarily sidelined. It's 2 AM Thursday. I leave to drive from NY to CO in two days to start a new job and a career in manufacturing. Much more important than a chance to win a trip to space believe it or not. At least this gives me the chance to finalize changes and get ready for the 2016 contest. This project is getting completed one way or another!
I got a job! Moving from NY to CO!
08/07/2015 at 04:08 • 1 commentHey guys!
Sorry for the slow progress on this project. Up until this past Monday I have been unemployed with having less than $15 to my name at times. Yeah kind of your stereotypical broke hacker. Needless to say I had no money to spend on this project.
Not any more! I recently accepted a job out in Denver. My birthday is coming up on the 12th (going to be 20!) and I have a ton to do in the way of seeing family and friends, packing, and finding a place to rent. This is a dream coming true, I have wanted to live in the Boulder-Denver area my entire life since growing up and watching ski movies.
Once I get out there, start working, and get settled I'll really be able to focus in on finishing this project up! Not much is left short of having the funds to order the remaining components. I also plan on taking advantage of the wealth of Maker / Hacker spaces in the area if I need assistance in any of the final stages.
I 3d printed my brain being 3d printed
08/07/2015 at 03:59 • 0 commentsSomething cool I've been working on as a side project. I figured I would post it here since its a 3d print of my actual brain and I have discussed how I had a TBI.
Based of 2d fMRI slices from a recent check up, reconstructed into a 3d model then edited to be suitable for printing. I couldn't render the top section of the brain so it appears flat. I designed the brain being 3d printed based on Autodesk's open-source Ember SLA printer to hide this imperfection. Physically printed on a Form1+.
Also here is an interesting patent: US6630507 B1
Titled "Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants"
Owned by the US Gov. specifically The Department Of Health And Human Services
Random Ramblings
07/30/2015 at 08:18 • 0 commentsThis entry is dedicated to explaining the logic behind why this mixer as a concept has the ability to severely financially damage the tobacco industry and why that will aid in the legalization of cannabis.
Picture TOR. The system works because there are others using it. You can’t be anonymous alone.
E-Juice is a physical router. Every bottle of nicotine ejuice is serving as a proxy to those using cannabis infused ejuice. Through our postal system and in everyday situations.
Even in some states that have decriminalized cannabis, oils and edibles are still considered a felony. Ironically edibles and oil are what those using for medical purposes most need.
There needs to be a way to organize an underground railroad of access to cannabis hidden in ejuice (tinctures for edible effect and oil infused for a vaporized effect) to patients in need that don’t happen to be fortunate enough to live in a non-ass-backwards state.
Location should not limit access. One country united. Not one country where a child with epilepsy will be allowed to die in one state where a state over they would have access to lifesaving medication.
This puts the gov. in an interesting position. They will want to straight out ban ecigs and fear monger with poorly conducted studies just like how they said weed kills brain cells after gas masking a monkey for several minutes straight.
Banning ejuice & ecigs would cause a generation addicted to them to make the switch to traditional cigarettes.
A moral dilemma. Protect big tobacco and the tax money it generates and damn another generation to be plagued with smoking related diseases or deal with it and find a way to supplement the lost income. I suggest cannabis.
Also with 3d printing ecigs and the common uses of the ingredients ejuice consists of will make it impossible to ban. VG and PG are common ingredients that are used in a wide range of applications. The flavor extracts existed before ecigs, they are for flavoring candy. It’ll be another case of the waterpipe (candy flavoring) VS the bong (using the flavoring for ejuice) if they choose to use the ban-hammer. -
Control system
07/12/2015 at 07:19 • 0 commentsWorking on the digital side of the project. Looking to tackle it by combining and tweaking:
(would need to translate steps of the stepper motor in an mL amount in the software)
2. http://www.buildlog.net/blog/2011/12/makerslide-camera-slider-control-program/
and a UI somewhat like this: http://ejuice.breaktru.com/
then have users enter file downloads that code for flavors.. sort of like a torrent.