Quantity   Component name
3 × cheap delta 3D printer
3 × RAMPS 1.4 3D printer stepper motor driver boards
3 × Arduino Mega 2560 3D printer controllers
3 × Atmel ATmega2560 core of Arduino Mega 2560
1 × Raspberry Pi 2 B coordinator of actions
1 × Raspberry Pi Camera + laser line emitters for machine vision and 3D scanning of PCBA to disassemble
1 × soldering iron
1 × desoldering iron
1 × tweezers
1 × larger gripper or jamming gripper (coffee balloon)
1 × vacuum pick-and-place tool
1 × soldering tweezers
1 × hot-air reflow tool
1 × solder wire dispenser for both regular solder for assembly and low-temp solder (e.g. ChipQuik) for disassembly
1 × solder paste dispenser