
One Fucking Shirt

A step into automated eCommerce stores.

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One fucking shirt, unique, every month - never to be sold again.

This is not a normal "hack" worthy project, but for me this is new and not easy. I'm attempting to make a semi-automated online store, the only overhead being my time, website and hosting fees. I will do this by utilizing WordPress, the online eCommerce helper Shopify, and the customized printing capabilities of ThePrintful for automated print/drop shipping of all the goods sold here. There are other services to accomplish the same things, without paying Shopify, but I did not want to go those routes until I'm ready. If it does not work, at least I learned a lot in the process.

I'm going to document the process here, as raw as possible, for others to learn as well. Also I want to mention this project was inspired by Fuck Soap, made by a local hacker, Jason Dorie

Step 1: purchase domain name. I used Namecheap to buy as it holds a few other domains of mine.

Step 2: Purchase hosting, I was being lazy so I immediately decided this was a good time to test out, for those that don't know, you can open a store on their site or use their hosting services to build a store that is shown both on your own domain name and their domain name. It isn't free, I opted for the $14.99/mo plan with a 14-day free trial that is rapidly disappearing. From what I can tell, all they really provide is payment processing for you and easy wordpress installs.

See current site:

Step 3: Register for and integrate into - this is in the APPs section of shopify admin page. Printful is essentially a printing and shipping service all in one, allowing me to submit my shirt designs and have them print and ship on an as-ordered basis. This eliminates any real overhead and a little profit margin, but will help me save time when I'm busy being a full time engineer.

Step 4: Order samples of shirts. They will arrive soon! Printful is nice enough to offer a decent discount on samples.

Step 5: Evaluation of shirt sample. Things never work the first time, if they do, you lucky fucker.

Step 6: Social Networking. Do it, in fact this should be Step 0, it should be part of the core of your business. You don't just make money by making a website, sitting back and waiting for money. Time to learn to be a copy writer.

  • wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee test

    Steve Shaffer07/08/2015 at 22:35 0 comments

    wheee test


    test pic #3 pasted chrome

  • One Fucking Test Pattern

    Steve Shaffer07/07/2015 at 16:46 1 comment

    If you can't tell from the only blog post over at OneFuckingShirt, you might notice the excessaive use of the word "fuck." This is important to the brand and image of One Fucking Shirt, I think anyhow, I'm new to this. So most of these log entries will involve quite a lot of "fucking."

    Anyhow, below you'll see the brilliant idea from user @iamnotachoice, to do a test print with a test pattern! This is simple, google images is full of them. however, if I want to sell these shirts I need to design my own or at least find one that is free to use. Below are a few examples.

    I'm not sure which to go with, I want to make sure it tests B&W, colors, gradients, sharp lines, transparent dithered edges, and some more I'm probably forgetting. Any further ideas? Maybe I could mash a color test pattern with Lenna, for the sake of staying old school cool.

  • One Fucking Failure

    Steve Shaffer07/05/2015 at 21:48 0 comments

    Welp, I've finally received my first sample shirt. It is an utter failure, nothing like what was envisioned. A second version is already in the works, having learned what is and isn't possible with t-shirt graphic printing. At least the fabric and construction are of exceptional quality, arguably one of the best quality shirts I have now! Here we go, original photo: and now the actual shirt:

    I'm a medium shirt guy with a small craft beer belly, I need to resize the "OneFuckingShirt" to fit within the "Fucking" part if I want people to be able to read it whilst wearing it. So, aside from color corrections, we also need to map the typical torso to the flat image of a shirt, for future design reference.

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Moritz Walter wrote 07/07/2015 at 15:41 point

The failed shirt does not look so bad for a first shot! Have you considered sending a test pattern (i.e. a wide range color palette with different shades and saturations) to your t-shirt printing service, have them printing the test pattern on a the relevant types of shirts, get them back, scan or photograph them and calculate a correction map to prewarp your t-shirt designs? That way, you'd establish sort of a end-to-end color consistency with a chance of getting even photorealistic prints just right on the first try.

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Steve Shaffer wrote 07/07/2015 at 16:36 point

Great idea iamnotachoice, thank you! I would even wear such a shirt,
plus I need to try other cuts and materials out for proper selection. 
I'm going to do this tonight when I get off work. I will contact
Printful and see if they don't already have a test pattern, though I
will make one anyway.

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