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ESP8266 ESP12F
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Made with kicad. We¡ll update after testing it.
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DC Motor
From old CD drives.
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SG 90
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Empty, of course. The bottom has been severed, we use it to introduce the electronics.
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We use it to be able to, manually, move it's legs, as it does on the films depending on it's speed. As we don't have many space, we aren't using another servo to move it.
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.It's what the legs are made of
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It's offer us a nice surface for painting our bot.
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7cm diameter ball of polystyrene
Head. It's, more or less, the same diameter as the can. We make a tunnel to the LEDs on the head and a hole to connect to the servo.
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Cantina. On a buzzer. Nothing more to say.
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RDA5807M - FM Radio Receiver
In order to have higher audio quality and be able to give our little friend a voice.
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Transistor 2N2222 & 1k Ohm resistor
To drive the motors.
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Serial to USB converter
To program our ESP8266.
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3.7V Li-ion battery
A huge one. The ESP866 _drains_ the battery.
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UDP Controller for Android
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Blue LED