
BMX/DH MTB Starting Gate Control

Arduino based BMX/DH MTB starting gate control with timer and bluetooth.

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Aruino based BMX/DH MTB starting gate control box that controls an electromagnetic magnet to release the gate. Has a timing strip made with FSR pressure sensor glued between to 1/16 thick rubber strips. Using HC-06 Bluetooth module control box communicates with any Android smart phone to display times.

I've published on github the bluetooth serial class that wraps all the Android code for establishing and communicating with the HC-06 bluetooth module.  

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snewpers wrote 11/19/2014 at 13:41 point
hmm this never got finished?

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Grimzentide wrote 09/04/2014 at 02:55 point
This project has helped guide a few starting concepts in my own mountain biking timing project... Thanks for sharing -

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dmoinfo wrote 08/18/2014 at 23:52 point
This project has been completed? Could you post more information as I am iniando this same design, simulate a gate with random start between 2 and 8 seconds.

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morgan wrote 02/21/2014 at 19:44 point
Yes! More details please. I'm particularly interested in the pressure plate. I've been working on flying sprint timing gates. At present I've been going in the direction of laser trips but had considered pressure pads as an easier to setup alternative.

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Mike Szczys wrote 02/04/2014 at 16:24 point
I'd like to hear a lot more about this. Can you share details about the custom shield you built? Is it possible to see a video of the starting lights in action? How about some pictures of the gate itself?

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