
1kW Poolheater

Poolheater for a small swimmingpool for use in the Norwegian summer.

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Need to heat the pool for my toddler. Only access to 10 amp breaker outlets.

Pump and boiler are controlled with a microcontroller and relays.

There is a temperature sensor(DS18S20) in the water connected to the microcontroller using onewire.h.

The pump is a stock pentrypump from Biltema and runs on 12 volts.
Pump draws a little more than 1 Amp.

When the microcontroller boots up and detects that the water is too cold it will run the pump for 20 seconds
to prime the hose and boiler with water, before turning on the boiler using an SSR 25amp relay.

The failsafe in the boiler is still intact so if the pump fails it will boil one batch of teawater and then mechanically shut off. When the pool temperature reaches 33 deg C it will first kill the boiler and pump will be running for a few minutes to cool everything off.

The pump relay is connected so the pump runs even if the relay fails. (almost failsafe :p)


plain - 3.84 kB - 01/20/2016 at 22:22


  • 1 × Kettle/Waterboiler
  • 1 × Tubing
  • 1 × Pentrypump
  • 1 × Arduino Nano
  • 1 × Solid State Relay

View all 10 components

  • Works this year too ;)

    Non-ICE07/31/2016 at 00:23 0 comments

    Just a quick update to tell this has been used this year too, the 2yo loves it and bathing in 30deg C water. It still runs off the breadboard in the icecreambox without any hickups.

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zakqwy wrote 07/20/2015 at 15:48 point

Make sure this is plugged into a GFCI outlet.

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Non-ICE wrote 11/01/2015 at 10:16 point

Unless you have a really really old or faulty installation all outlets in Norway are GFCI by default.

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Non-ICE wrote 07/20/2015 at 12:19 point

It's all bolted down and a pump in the pool, tested it today, it already reached 33C and the software successfully maintains the temperature and my 16 month old toddler didn't bother with the contraption, luckily. My first outdoor bath of the year :D

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Ossum wrote 07/20/2015 at 06:52 point

What kind of toddler do you have that doesn't pull the whole contraption into the pool with it? Mine would be trying to rewire the thing in seconds! Nevertheless, cool idea ;-)

I had to look for a few minutes, because my first impression from the photo was that the kettle was on some sort of see-saw that tipped over when boiled and dumped hot water into the pool, which seemed wildly dangerous.

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Non-ICE wrote 02/21/2016 at 13:45 point

At the time my toddler was only one year old and didn't learn the skill of reverse engineering yet. However I see some issues related to reverse engineering arising. I might move the entire thing to a PCB and print a case for the electronics which is bolted shut for this summer ;)

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