This works great and its easy to reposition. The total cost was about $10-15. The first 90 needs to be redesigned because the pressure cracked it, and some other things could use a change. I tried putting a piece of tape inside the 90 to make it stay but it ended up rolling inside and getting stuck. basically i position the middle then the end is easy to move to my work. It also has 3 speed settings but the lowest seems to work great. It is made from 3" corrugated drain pipes for rain downspouts. a few 90 deg bends and a partially broken hair dryer i got from good will that happens to be a 12v motor! The case was broken so i got it for like $2 but all i needed was the fan.
broken hair dryer
10' of pvc corrugated drain line
12v wall pack
3" DRAIN 90
drain coupling
this is the housing for the motor