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Raspberry Pi controlled all grain mashing system with utilizing REST via WebIOPi and JavaScript.

So this project has been a mental exercise for a few years now, but I have finally decided to make it happen.

I have decided to make an electric mashing system for brewing but have been make decisions with the assumption that I will likely be graduating to a 220v system in the future.

For a chassis / structure I am using a wire shelving system from Home Depot (the stainless $100 variety) - these are the same shelves that every restaurant I have seen uses for storage in the freezer/refrigerator and their dry storage.

Most electrical components will be housed in a box I found on Amazon for cheap :

AC will be provided to the heating elements, which according to math, should consume about 13 amps.  Considering that most of the breakers in my house are 15 amp rated, I will need to watch usage closely.

Providing power to all over components will be a standard ATX computer power supply.  Things such as the solenoids, pump (likely will be ordering a Chugger after I burn this little US Solar pump out) and any other power requirements will be provided by the ATX P/S and power control provided by a NPN transistor, though I have been tossing the idea of a darlington type array of NPN's to safely and with some stability provide power to all components.  Thoughts?

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 2 × 15.5 Gallon Stainless Steel Kegs $340 : Locally sourced @ $50 each plus $240 total in modifications
  • 20 × Silicone Tubing / High Temp $57 : eBay @ $2.30/foot plus shipping
  • 2 × 1/2" NPT 3-way Valves - L-type $46 : eBay @ $23 each
  • 2 × 1/2" NPT to 1/2" Compression Fitting $30 : eBay, sold in a pair

View all 28 components

  • MAX31855

    joshua.vader04/06/2014 at 02:07 0 comments

    Just got it one functioning today - verified with a cup of ice water and my laser thermometer gun - a lot easier than I thought it would be. 

    The RasPi is a funny device in that most of the pins have different names.  For instance, RasPi Pin 22 is known as GPIO (BCM) 08, CE0 (for SPI, it would be the CS pin).

    Quick rundown :

    1.)  It appears in modern versions of Raspian, the BCM SPI kernal module is already commented out of the blacklist

    2.) Grab this badboy : git clone git://

    3.) drop the following into a file : 

    cs_pin = 8

    clock_pin = 11

    data_pin = 9

    units = "f"

    thermocouple = MAX31855(cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units)



    4.) this file just created must be in the same directory as the library from the previously GIT'ed repo 

    5.) Explanation : CS_Pin=8 - this is the BCM / GPIO pin 8 which corresponds to RasPi pin 24

    Clock_Pin = 11 - this is the SPIO_SCLK (SPI Clock pin) which is RasPi header pin 23

    Data_Pin = 11 - this is the SPIO_MISO (SPI MISO pin) which is RasPi header pin 21

  • Alpha - UI Layout

    joshua.vader04/06/2014 at 00:50 0 comments

    I would like to post the UI I have built so far as an example (single HTML, JS, CSS, and background - 4 files total)
    I started a GitHub repo which can be found in the external sites section

View all 2 project logs

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seilerjacinda925 wrote 11/19/2019 at 16:21 point

Nice to meet you after viewing your profile i am Jacinda, from (jakarta) indonesia,

i have a project discussion with you please email me on: (

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