I have based the project on Michael Teeuws project "The Magic Mirror" and will try to set my own style on the mirror based on the hardware that i have at hand.
The Mirror should have features as :
# Time
# Weather forcasts
# Temperature readings Inside/Outside
# Sign of wich side i shall park the car based on odd or even date.
Future wishlist for the mirror:
- Configuration via mobilephone
- Tweet picture from webcam
- Personal messages based on facerecognition
Raspberry PI model B
20 " Samsung Screen with VGA connector
HDMI to VGA converter
Lots of wood,nails and wood screws
A one way Mirror or glass with oneway reflective plastic film.
White or silver paint for the frame.
Temperature sensors ds1820
Wifi dongle.
Frame is starting to take it's form.
WiFi dongle
USB cable
Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
Project has evolved to taking data from my weather station and displaying the result. Information flows via the MQTT broker. The mirror now can present , realtime windspeed and inside/outside real temerature.
Project has evolved to taking data from my weather station and displaying the result.
Information flows via the MQTT broker.
The mirror now can present , realtime windspeed and inside/outside real temerature.