
Race FPV Quadcopter

Race quadcopter

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Here i will publish the progress of my quadcopter project as it progress.
This project is ended a long time ago.
There have been a lot of builds since then.

I'm pretty new at this thing with quadqopters and I have wanted to build one for a pretty long time now. I have now finally taken the plunge and started the journey towards a own quad.
Hopfully it will be a nice journey with many new adapted skills, on the way to the target.

  • 1 × Frame kit Mini Quad 250 mm frame kit
  • 1 × Power distrubution board KNT Power distribution board
  • 1 × Speed controller EMax 12 A SimonK BEC
  • 4 × Motors EMAX MT2204

  • Quad Project log

    honxen08/04/2015 at 17:05 0 comments


    Start of project.

    Bought the frame and distrobution board.


    Soldering of the main battery wires on the distroboard


    Bought 4 speedcontrollers EMax 12 A SimonK BEC


    Test fitting the frame and speedcontrollers to see if I could start soldering the powerkabels to the distroboard.


    I need to get cable connectors and engine to be able to estimate the length of the cables before the cut theminto the right length and solder them into place.


    Ordered connectors and LEDs on Hobby King.


    Finally I'v got my MT 2204 Motors and where able to estimate how long the ESC cables where going to be. Then it was all about the soldering the cables to the distrobutionboard.

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RX HMP wrote 10/03/2016 at 20:14 point

want to join teams and help each other? im new and building multiple quads with parrot ar2.0, apm2.6 and going to get some nazes ect. looking at txs right now and diy options aswell as diy fcs. As I say im newb but building comment on my thing. ignore it im newb aha and dont want fame just want to huild reliable kit and get some solutions.

Im from uk btw wbu?


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2bluesc wrote 08/23/2015 at 00:40 point

Should checkout the PDB I build for the Emax 250 frame.  It'll clean-up your wiring alot:

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honxen wrote 08/03/2015 at 20:10 point

I have bought the Mini Quad 250 mm frame kit and will upload pictures of the build asp.
Problably i will use EMax Copter MT1806 motors and the Naze32 10DOF Flight Controller.

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Richard Hogben wrote 08/03/2015 at 20:37 point

Nice, the Naze32 is great, I'm using the Dodo FC on my warpquad build

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Richard Hogben wrote 08/03/2015 at 19:49 point

Nice! What frame will you be using?

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