
GSM & GPS Car Diagnosis System

How to hack your car!

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The purpose of this project was to bring as more information from the vehicle to the user, locally by using CAN communication in diagnosis session with OBD II connector and OLED display, and remotely by using GPRS communication for live tracking and live monitoring of the car on a website.
Based on chipKIT™ Pro MX7 my system is in a beginning phase with limited functionalities but with a lot of promises as you will see in my video. For not having a car with CAN bus I simulated the car environment helped by a CAN case from VECTOR and their tool. The GSM module it is a home made PCB based on SIM900 modem powered by an external phone battery. I am using GPRS connection to send data to my dedicated website where can I have an overview of my car state concerning the parameters using diagnosis session and position using PmodGPS - GPS Receiver. Locally, data is displayed on PmodOLED2 4-bit OLED Display.

GSM/GPRS shield - PCB design !

  • 1 × chipKIT™ Pro MX7 Microchip® PIC32 32-bit MIPS processor (PIC32MX795F512L)
  • 1 × PmodOLED2 256 by 64 pixel, 4-bit gray scale OLED display
  • 1 × PmodGPS MediaTek GPS MT3329
  • 1 × GSM/GPRS shield! PCB made by me with SIM900
  • 1 × OBD2 CAN link cable

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Tom Phoghat Sobieski wrote 05/11/2014 at 16:40 point
I would really like to do this, I have an older car ( 2005 PT Cruiser) that I bought used, and it came with a Viper alarm system that's worse than useless. I would like to know if you or any of your followers, could point me somewhere for instructions on its removal. I've heard it was a bit complicated, and I know noting about Viper alarms

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Cezar Pristavu wrote 05/11/2014 at 18:16 point
I don't have a car and I don't know nothing about this Alarm but after I searched on google, I found how people removed their alarms. Or ask a mechanic.

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Reagen Ward wrote 05/04/2014 at 00:22 point
Nice work!

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Eric Evenchick wrote 04/09/2014 at 18:17 point
Nice, always good to see more car hacking. I'm working on a project to interface with vehicles as well, with the goal of having an open source tool similar to Vector's CANCase. Let me know what you think:

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