
Sneak preview

A project log for LPS Mini

Arduino compatible indoor navigation system with small form factor.

gran-nordahlGöran Nordahl 07/06/2016 at 21:348 Comments

Here is a sneak preview of an upcoming prototype:

Hopefully most of these features will work already in the first prototype (you never know, the entire board might turn out being an expensive glowing hot power resistor):

* UWB using DW1000 instead of the DWM1000 module.

* BLE for communication, firmware upgrades and the ability to act as a BLE beacon.

* USB for power and serial communication.

* RFID tag (requires external antenna).

* Solar charger for a single cell LiPo battery.

* TCXO to get rid of the thermal drift present in DWM1000.

* Optional sensors for inertial navigation.

* Optional external flash for data logging.

* Optional circuits to handle clock sync and clock distribution (useful for TDOA and especially AoA).


Anything missing?

This board will not replace any of our other boards, it is rather a complement. LPS Mini will still be smallest.


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justinlee wrote 08/06/2016 at 09:08 point


so cool, what wifi chip? and more detail board chip?

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Göran Nordahl wrote 08/07/2016 at 19:58 point

This specific board do not have WiFi. If you are thinking about LPS WiFi the answer is ESP8266.

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Göran Nordahl wrote 07/28/2016 at 13:59 point

Any companies in Brazil you can team up with so you can buy PCB:s via them whenever they order boards? They pay the freight for both of your boards (i.e. no extra cost for them). Their benefit is getting to know a possible future employee without spending any extra money.

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leandro wrote 07/28/2016 at 13:27 point

I have shopped in China, but the delivery time is very high, about 2-3 months. This dificult the progress. Fast delivery is expensive, about 50USD more tax(110% of total amount). 1USD is 3.5BRL.

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Göran Nordahl wrote 07/28/2016 at 06:33 point

Shouldn't it be very easy also for you to get PCB:s made in e.g. China? Components: import restrictions?

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leandro wrote 07/27/2016 at 20:04 point

Good afternoon Goran,

I'm your fan. I am studying and doing some tests with DWM1000 and STM32 and I know it requires a lot of commitment. Congratulations.

Unfortunately access to PCB manufacturing and components is difficult in Brazil.

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Göran Nordahl wrote 07/23/2016 at 20:17 point

Hard to do it with less to get a uniform GND plane, so yes, 4L it is.

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leandro wrote 07/23/2016 at 01:05 point


Good job. 

The sneak have a 4 layer pcb?

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