There's a fantastic electromechanical horse racing game called Sigma Derby that was invented in Japan in the mid 1980s. There seem to be only two surviving machines in the US today, one at the MGM Grand, one at The D, and both in Las Vegas, NV.
Five plastic horses race jerkily around a track on a system of bike chain and servos and we're not quite sure what else. It is an admittedly lofty goal to recreate this system in its entirety, and that's why we'll start by modeling it with software and then LEDs.
implemented a visual representation of the simulation using pygame. Right now it is functional, but very limited. The horses are just blue circles, nothing is labeled and there is no text output. Instead of racing around a track our circle horses race across the screen.
Obviously needs a lot of work. But at least we can see the simulation play out now, rather than just a dump of stats into the console to tell us what happened.
I will take back the skull if ther arn't dinosaurs involved at some point.