08/18/2015 at 13:15 •
- major code clean-up
- includes power-on switchable roms for 21, 25C and 33C
- allow defaults (rom and speed) be saved
- add greeting message
- rom_34c.h, rom for 34C is included for further development only, not emulated at this version
08/18/2015 at 13:15 •
- this is a preview release upon request, project is not bugs free.
- based on TI msp430g25x3 mcu, 16KB flash, 512B ram
- based on work from Eric Smith's nonpariel
- emualtes woodstock or spice core
- this is a hobby project not suitable for any use.
- please observe same GPL licensing terms as the original Nonpariel package
- notice from orignal Nonpareil package