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A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

alphaninjaalpha_ninja 03/17/2016 at 21:041 Comment



Note: that green LED-looking thing isn't just an LED. That long assembly is from a scanner, presumably CMOS. I want someone to turn the lightbulb wire assembly into an ESP-based light. And if you can get that hexbug working, keep it! The large chip (bottom left) comes with little information, check out the electronics grab box teardown (from electronics goldmine) for all I know about it.

Removed: 1 ESP-01, 1 Nano knockoff, that fancy LED switch, one of those large LCD displays, and stickers.


Eric Hertz wrote 04/06/2016 at 09:52 point

Great log-entry title :)

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