A few years ago EAGLE free version was the most used tool by hobbyists and newcomers was probably more than enough for their needs - 8x10cm, 2 layers. With the proliferation of affordable PCB fabs like OSHPark, Seeed people are willing to venture beyond what the free version offered, dabbling with 4 layers, making it bigger in size, all .
KiCAD is a free and open source EDA that has improved leaps and bounds in the past few years. Once it was not as usable but EAGLE was (hence EAGLE was widely adopted), it has been successfully able to catch up to the point that it is just a matter of a different workflow when choosing between the two, not in terms of functionality.
Hence there isn't a better time to adopt KiCAD if you're new to the PCB design world and learn a tool that will grow with your needs and not impose artificial limitations, and we're here to help and support you.
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Hi Abhishek,
I just submitted some PCBs to frtizing fab. Which one of Seeed or OSHPark (assuming you have used both services) would you suggest for the next iteration ?
Thanks for KiCad advice. Although I would suggest that other first timers like me could start with Fritzing *if* they wish to opt for an easier learning curve.