
3D files available

A project log for DNA Wind Turbine

A Modular design allowing different size devices for different applications

mw-motorsMW Motors 11/06/2015 at 16:195 Comments

The 3D files of parta & the assembly are available at

If you have problems opening or viewing them, let us know..


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farhad wrote 04/11/2017 at 18:54 point

hi i download files but not can to open this

how can open this

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MW Motors wrote 11/09/2015 at 09:45 point

Can you clarify the question please?.  We use a single component so we have a single mold.  We then use different quantities of the single part to make turbines of different sizes.  Hope this answer makes sense but if I have answered the worng question, please clarify

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Gerbenzandberg wrote 11/09/2015 at 09:52 point

I just toughed i saw different parts glued together in the photos of the blades. And because its such a difficult shape it made sense to me that you had several molds to make the parts and then glue them together to form a single blade. how did you manage to make it as a single part? thanks for the reply

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MW Motors wrote 11/09/2015 at 11:51 point

No, there are definitely no parts glued together.  That would be far too time consuming. With FRP, the usual way to make the mold is to use a foam cut.  Unfortunately, I do not have pics of the foam cut for the blades.  But, if you look at our LUKA EV car project you can see the foam cut of the car shape at

It is the same process for making the shape of each blade.  Hope this helps?

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Gerbenzandberg wrote 11/09/2015 at 09:17 point

How did you divide the blade up to make the molds? thanks

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