
How to become a machine.

My journey into Transhumanism
How can I be script by the machine?

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This project is my journey into transhumanism and how I became a machine. In the following lines of this instructable, I am sharing with you what for me is being a machine and what is the meaning of being a machine embodied by a human mind.

It began with a fascination for the Transhumanism, a techno-optimistic community with the aim to become a machine in order to enhance their senses or defeating death by migrating from the ‘meat machine’ to the ‘steal machine’ via cryonic and mind uploading technology. Although, Transhumanism it‘s also about having ‘faith’ on a superior entity, a divine algorithm.

This project endeavours to anticipate what is the meaning of being a machine, and how it can challenge the perception we have of sharing our body with an algorithm (AI).

In collaboration with David Wood, leader of the London Transhumanist party, I am creating the machine, the transhumanism believes in.

Step 1: Understanding of Transhumanism - Interviews

In order to define what is the best way to become a machine, I have been in transhumanism meetings organized by "London Futurist", the London most influent group lead by David Wood. From those discussions, I understood soon enough that in order to become this machine I should first experiment what is it to be inside a new body and being control by this body.

To anticipate the experience of having his mind uploaded inside a machine I asked them what for them will be our body and how we are going to be in control of it. They replied to me that we are going to define new senses which go beyond the one we already use by using the data the machine will intercept and use them to control our movement, our behaviour and the way we live with the information around us. One of the techno-optimistic explained to me that for him, being a machine is the most sustainable way to mitigate the effect of climate change by using humidity/temperature/CO2 sensors and restricted our body in correlation with those data.

This intense picture of the transhumanism way of thinking was the point of start to build the machine I put myself into.

Step 2: Thinking Through Making - How a Machine Built by Human Can Script a Human.

More than embracing transhumanism thoughts about being a machine I needed to experiment with the material and started to constitute my machine.

To start aforementioned experimentation I disassembled a 3D printer to recycle the old parts and incorporate them into my body.

I put a 3D model of a human into the 3D printer controller and install the X/Y/Z motors into my elbow and shoulder to see how the original purpose of making objects can be translated to manipulate and restrict the human body. Promptly, it appeared that the human mechanics are not as flexible as the 3D printer would like them to be.

Even if this experience was thoughtful, it still lacks some materials to properly talk about understanding and experience what is being a machine. From this adventure, let's move to a deepest understanding of the human body to control in a better way.

Step 3: Becoming Through Making. the Human/Machine First Exoskeleton

Here we are! Let's build the first robotic arm.

This crappy making is the result of research on what are the mechanics of the human body and the translation of those mechanics into three pieces of wood and a 12v linear actuator motor controlled by an Arduino controller. The middle piece is the representation of the elbow which needs to be both attached to the actuator the (upper-arm) and the other arm part. Depending on the size of the elbow and its position it will more or less change the movement of the arm.

Step 4: Design the Body Frame + Creating the Algorithm to Control It

After determining the mechanics of the arm, I followed this path to build the following body parts:

  • x2 arms controllers
  • x2 legs controllers
  • x2 hand controller

The body parts are controlled by a temperature/humidity sensor which controlled the movement of the body by restricting my body and communicating with me through fingers sign.

From this step, I realized what means being a machine. It's not just about restricting the human body to anticipate the passage of the meat machine to the steel machine. But it's understanding that our body is embodied by an algorithm in a cohabitation relationship.

I became the machine at the moment I accepted that I was controlled by it and developed new senses, not because of the restriction of my movements but because of a second algorithmic brain which communicates with me. I established a relationship with this machine, where I am literally a vessel accepting the orders of an artificial entity.

Step 5: I Am a Robot.

To conclude on this project where I experienced what is being a machine, by contextualizing a future where transhumanist thoughts are actually real solution/situations I am making...

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Cut_acrylic frosted

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  • 3 × Arduino
  • 1 × DHT 22 temperature/humidity sensor
  • 3 × 12 v motor actuators
  • 20 × M4 nuts
  • 20 × M4 bolts

View all 10 components

  • 1
    Understanding of Transhumanism - Interviews

    In order to define what is the best way to become a machine, I have been in transhumanism meetings organized by "London Futurist", the London most influent group lead by David Wood. From those discussions, I understood soon enough that in order to become this machine I should first experiment what is it to be inside a new body and being control by this body.

    To anticipate the experience of having his mind uploaded inside a machine I asked them what for them will be our body and how we are going to be in control of it. They replied to me that we are going to define new senses which go beyond the one we already use by using the data the machine will intercept and use them to control our movement, our behaviour and the way we live with the information around us. One of the techno-optimistic explained to me that for him, being a machine is the most sustainable way to mitigate the effect of climate change by using humidity/temperature/CO2 sensors and restricted our body in correlation with those data.

    This intense picture of the transhumanism way of thinking was the point of start to build the machine I put myself into.

  • 2
    Thinking Through Making - How a Machine Built by Human Can Script a Human.

    More than embracing transhuman thoughts about being a machine I needed to experiment with the material and started to constitute my machine.

    To start aforementioned experimentation I disassembled a 3D printer to recycle the old parts and incorporate them into my body.

    I put a 3D model of a human into the 3D printer controller and install the X/Y/Z motors into my elbow and shoulder to see how the original purpose of making objects can be translated to manipulate and restrict the human body. Promptly, it appeared that the human mechanics are not as flexible as the 3D printer would like them to be.

    Even if this experience was thoughtful, it still lacks some materials to properly talk about understanding and experience what is being a machine. From this adventure, let's move to a deepest understanding of the human body to control in a better way.

  • 3
    Becoming Through Making. the Human/Machine First Exoskeleton

    Here we are! Let's build the first robotic arm.

    This crappy making is the result of research on what are the mechanics of the human body and the translation of those mechanics into three pieces of wood and a 12v linear actuator motor controlled by an Arduino controller. The middle piece is the representation of the elbow which needs to be both attached to the actuator the (upper-arm) and the other arm part. Depending on the size of the elbow and its position it will more or less change the movement of the arm.

View all 6 instructions

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