This is old information
For newer information, see the project log "I was wrong."
I've found that the following pattern is used:
(Part 1 of protocol—call/response: 16 - 8 bits.)
Is always sent.
0xcf0000 or 0x000000:
Might have different values too, haven't done enough testing
Is always sent.
Is always sent.
Is always sent.
0xbc0000 or 0x000000:
Might have different values too, haven't done enough testing.
Is always sent.
0x9b0000 or 0x000000:
Seems to be remaining ink pages or something—this is the same for every cartridge no matter in what slot it is.
Is always sent.
Then one of the following:
Part 2 of the protocol - 24 bit packages
Sometimes: 0xdf38 32
Always: 0xdf3c 32
Sometimes: 0xdf24 32
Sometimes: either 0xdf2c 64 or 0xdf32 32
In conclusion, the first part of xmissions is made up of 16-bit packages that start with 0xde and are replied to with some other 8-bit value (can also be 0). This is probably the read command—I'll have to test this hypothesis.
The second part of xmissions is made up of 24-bit packages that start with 0xdf and in the next two bytes most likely have the address and value after them. I haven't yet seen values other than 0x32 and 0x64. Thus, this is probably the read command—I'll have to test this hypothesis, too.
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