
DIY directional microphone for DSLR

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Made from a salvaged electret microphone, an earphone cable and 4€ worth of hardware store materials.


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Minhaz mahmood wrote 11/19/2015 at 10:26 point

Hello, how's the sound output? As in how's the noise and hum? Will in work in conjunction to a diy amplifier circuit? If so do you have any inputs on which opamp could be used. Thanks.

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Muphins wrote 11/19/2015 at 10:47 point

Hi, since the writing of the instructions I've changed the microphone from the 6mm one to a 10mm one from Adafruit. The sound quality is much better (more bass and clearer sounds). The sound to noise ration is not bad, but white niose still can be heard in silent condition. You can add a DIY preamp between the mic and the camera, search for SSM2019 preamp. (PDF) this document seems to be a good start.

Note that you must have a preamp before the amplifier. Most camera, video recorder and computer mic inputs already contain a pream circuit. Using an external preamp will probably enhance the quality, but the best benefit is being able to change the gain precisely on the fly.

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Minhaz mahmood wrote 11/19/2015 at 17:55 point

Thanks for your fast reply. I'll try it out the amplifier first then proceed from there.

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ben biles wrote 09/04/2015 at 03:43 point

looking forward to instructions. want to have a go at making a mic for my dslr :) I'm interested to know what electret mic you went for ?

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