
CNC Chip Remover Fan

Try to use computer fans instead of a big industrial blower for my cyclone

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I've CNC machine. It creates incredible amount of dust. I'd like to suck it out from the machine.
I bought a cheep cyclone as a dust separator. The seller's page insist, that you need a big, pricey, heavy and noisy industrial blower with at least 500W power consumption, to run the cyclone in 24h/day mode.
With this project I want to challenge this. I don't want to buy that blower, even I don't have a place for it in my workshop.

The final plan, if my tests succeed is the following:

Have two different size Ikea Samla boxes. On the top of the shallower put an acrylic sheet (this one I've in my lab), and mount 6 (or 2x6) 120x120x38 24V Sunon Maglev fans. This ones together has higher airflow than the industrial blower.

Punch a hole onto the bottom for the cyclone. Mount the bottom of the cyclone to a samla top. Connect the bottom of the upper shallow samla box to the samla top at the bottom of the cyclone with some threaded rods. Put the deeper samla box below this samla top as the dust collector.

Build some speed control electronics for the fans and add a 24V industrial PSU for the whole build.

For the first trial, I don't want to buy anything. I'll just empty the necessary boxes, already collected some random 120mm fans (12V ones) and a PC PSU. If the build succeed, I can buy the Maglevs and the PSU.

  • 12 × Sunon Maglev Fans 120x120x38 mm 24V G99 model (with rpm read pin)
  • 1 × MeanWell 24V/200W PSU
  • 1 × Nuvoton M0518 Series MCU This one has 24 PWM channels
  • 1 × Shallow Ikea Samla Box
  • 1 × Deep Ikea Samla Box

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  • Proof of concepts begin

    SUF09/13/2015 at 05:25 0 comments

    I started to build this thing. As the sealants, the tubing and the power supply is still not there, you can see how it will look like:

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