
ESP8266 Radio Box

Use RDA5807M FM radio module in combination with ESP-8266 self hosted web interface

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Want to create web-interface for FM radio module which is
* good looking
* mobile friendly
* self-hosted

Revisited first version implementation after a while and added TFT screen as well as RGB led for richer UX.



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 35.91 kB - 03/05/2018 at 22:21




Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 47.05 kB - 03/05/2018 at 22:21



web interface

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 29.37 kB - 03/05/2018 at 22:21


  • Project update

    andriy.malyshenko07/01/2022 at 10:10 0 comments

    Despite FM radios universally losing their battle to Internet streaming, I still like to listen good old "air radio" once in a while. After some time I've decided to revisit project with my current (updated) experience and skills. 

    First of all I've redesigned the board completely, mostly moving towards SMD components (to enable mass production) as opposed to hand-solder first design. Also improved power circuitry a lot, most importantly FM module decoupling from ESP circuits (audio quality much improved). 

    At some point I thought it would be nice to have small TFT-screen, if I keep it somewhere on the desktop, so I did add it. 

    Flashing/debugging circuitry costs liturally cents now, so I've added that as well.

    All and all I see this as a much improved design for the project that gives so much fun to work on.

    Needless to say, I had to rewrite project code, so I took this chance to refactor it a bit, but more importantly got rid of Sming Framework dependency (it seems to be abandoned now) and moved towards blooming Platformio platform.

    And here is the end result of my work in its glory

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  • 1
    Build and run

    Have Platformio installed. Open project in vscode and use following tasks

    • `Build` - build project
    • `Upload Filesystem Image` - build and upload app files used by webserver
    • `Upload` or `Upload and Monitor` - build, flash to device via Serial. Optionally attach terminal to it
  • 2
    Edit front-end directly in IDE

    To debug web-interface directly in IDE (no need to upload each change to mcu)

    1. Run `start debug web-server` task (need to have docker installed).
    2. Find this line
    var NODE_IP = "";

    and change to your device IP

    3. Go to http://localhost:8080, when started from localhost it will connect to ws://NODE_IP (device itself should be online providing backend)

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Mike Szczys wrote 03/05/2018 at 23:10 point

Neat! I'd love to hear more about the motivations for this build and the features you wanted to include. Looks like you've found a great success in this build!

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andriy.malyshenko wrote 03/06/2018 at 09:02 point

Hi Mike, thanks for thumbs up! Main motivation actually is to start designing and producing custom pcbs for my projects. I did some rookie mistakes at this early design, but feel like really moved forward in terms of quality level of final product. 

More to come!

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