Here is the code:
A stabilization system for drones using a pyboard, a MPU6050 and a RC receiver
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Here is the code:
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The actual code for the pyboard are divided in 5 scripts: -> read pwm from receiver -> send pwm to speeds -> read accelerometer and gyroscope -> stabilize the multicopter -> joins all scripts
And 1 script for the simulator on the laptop:
Now I'm working with the telemetry
My FrSky transmiter y receiver has arrived!!!
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The pyboard build-in accelerometer only have accelerometer.... The mpu6050 have gyroscope and accelerometer. In the are commented the code for use the build-in accelerometer:
#accel = pyb.Accel()
imu = MPU6050()
#x, y, z = accel.filtered_xyz()
x, y, z = imu.get_xyz()
You only have to switch this commented lines.
The problem with the built-in accelerometer is that when you shake, it throw wrong data... I have checked the accelerometer documentation and it can determine shake movements, but this feature seems not implemented in the micropython pyboard.
The mpu6050 doesn't have problems with shake movements....
But wait, doesn't pyboard have a build-in accelerometer already?
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Finally found this