After reading about the MMR-70 in this project #MMR-70 - cheap radio module. I needed to order some myself. Here I will write something about it. I would also thanks @Dr Salica. I will use some code from his #Portable Trollmaster 3000 in the furture.
Things I did so far
- Writing code for the Atmega32 to generate some tones
- Adapting the Trollmaster3000 code to use it with Atmel Studio and without the Arduino wire library
- Feeding the Music generated on the Timer2 output into the radio module to sent it.
- replacing the resonator to get more CPU power (for example: KYOCERA PBRC16.00HR70X000)
- better sound quality ... this square waves does not sound good
- Replacing the voltage regulator to a 3.3V or 5V type (MIC5205-3.3YM5 or similar) ATTENTION: The radio module's max supply voltage is 3,6V!!!
Some sources, used libraries and tools
@Dr Salica #Portable Trollmaster 3000
@davedarko #MMR-70 - cheap radio module Forum: schematic, data sheet of the radio module and a forum thread (German)
@Tobias Mädel: FMBerry - also some description of the hardware
Peter Fleury , i2c library for AVRs
Always interesting to see people building cool stuff with these modules. Keep us updated ;)