I don't know how long this has been in my family. I got it from my father before he passed away, along with some other cameras and useless stuff. Maybe he would imagine I would treat it with respect, have it restored and dabble in 35mm film again, like he did when he was young.
Forget that! Film is awful!
Let's hack this into something before it totally rots away and is thrown out.
Although this metal and leather classic 35mm camera is a favorite with older photographers, I doubt it has any value beyond sentimental. It is not in working condition, and has not been used in decades. Fixing it would cost hundreds, and then end up a small fraction of that if sold.
Pictured here with it's black embossed leather trim and brown case, you may start to see the wear, peeling, dents and rust. There is no lens fungus, but the iris blades shutter and pressure plate all have some corrosion, and the light seals and leather are falling apart. More details on the features can be found at sites like this:
The serial number 3706447 suggests it was made around 1955.
Is it Hackable?
I am looking for very unique ideas to hack this. All suggestions are welcome!
- Digital camera
- Digital video
- Distance finder
- Mass photo storage device
- GPS with BLE
I am not in a rush, just brainstorming for now until I get some time to work on it.
Hi, I know this is nearly 5 year old now, but other users may find it useful... and maybe you still search for some new idea...
I had an old Vitored D film camera which I had no use for. So I removed the lens and assembled some stepup rings and mount rings to fit the lens on my alpha 7. The funny thing about this lens is, that it has a rectangular blade shape. This looks very cool when your picture has a bokeh. I documented my steps and put it on flickr https://flic.kr/p/269GgbK and on my github page http://www.andimotoblog.de/photography/2019/02/23/voigtlaender_lens_on_emount_en.html
Maybe this is a small inspiration to not throw old useless camera away :)
Have fun!