Now with snapVCC done, I've rebooted this project. Need to optimise the BOM right from start. Looking at Torex for boost converters. Also need a cost effective connector...
Now that snapVCC is funded, I am getting back to AABoost. I had a very poor experience with ST Microelectronics recently. Sent them a query for which a ticket was created, and weeks later, getting no response, I sent them a tweet with the reference to which they responded as follows:
So I have decided to try and avoid STM parts in my designs. Not that it will matter to them, I suppose.
I sort of lost momentum as there is a very similar project on hackaday that got crowdfunded recently. The chip I've chosen doesn't supply much current, so it requires a redesign, I think...
Hi Mahesh. The BooSTick project was inspired by the Hackaday article on SnapVCC - if I had idea you were working on the same thing, we could have worked together! Anyway, they just started selling it on Adafruit.
Nice project Mahesh! Your SnapVCC inspired me to do the same thing. I'm eager to see how yours turns out! What does your peak current look like for each of the power rails? I'm at about 220 mA for 5 V, which is leaving it a bit short for the ESP8266.
output current?