
Home Security

A Security Device perfect for your home or vaults

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Home Security project is a password oriented security device. This uses 4Duino display as the user interface where the password can be entered. 4Duino is also used as the host device in this project. It handles a buzzer, an ultrasonic sensor, a uCAM-II and a magnetic switch. As a home security device, it sends an alarm to the owner when there is an attempted entrance or any malicious kind of entrance.

Initially, Home Security Interface is in idle state. When a person approaches the device, it will be activated. This is achieved using an Ultrasonic Sensor. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is able to measure distances from 2cm to 400cm. Ultrasonic receiver and transmitter is included in the module.

uCAM-II is used in this project to capture images of the person who attempted a forced entry. uCAM-II is an integrated serial camera module, which uses a CMOS VGA colour sensor along with JPEG compression chip.

In addition, a buzzer is also used in this project to produce an alarm signal or noise if the password is entered incorrectly for more than three times.

An alarm message is sent to the owner through a web browser. This uses the built-in ESP8266 module in 4Duino-24. Read more here

  • 1 × 4Duino-24
  • 1 × HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • 1 × uCAM-II
  • 1 × Magnetic Switch
  • 1 × Buzzer

View all 8 components

  • Prototype

    4D Makers03/07/2018 at 07:36 0 comments

    After uploading 4Duino you can now use the Home Security project.

    Form 1 of Home Security Device: Input Password Interface


    Form 3 of Home Security Device.

    If the password entered is incorrect, it navigates to Form 3 (Error Page).

    Upon entering the inverted password, this form would appear. Home Security Device also sends message to web server in the IP address of the 4duino Wi Fi Module

    This message says that the owner of the house is present when a force entry was executed.

    In this project, acrylic casing is used. Magnetic switch (as shown in the picture) can be attached to a door or vault. The buzzer can be mounted with the acrylic case.

View project log

  • 1
    • Connect the components mentioned above as you can see in the fritzing diagram below.

  • 2

    Note: Download the project code here.

    • Workshop 4 – 4Duino Basic Graphics environment is used to program this project. (The same could be implemented in the latest Arduino IDE)
    • This project requires the Arduino IDE to be installed as Workshop calls the Arduino IDE for compiling the Arduino sketches. The Arduino IDE however is not required to be opened or modified to program the 4Duino.
    • Open this file using Workshop 4.

    • Change the SSID and the PASSWORD to suit your router, in the program.

    • You can change your Home Security Password in line 62 ( char pass[7] ) , and your reverse password in line 64 (char inPass[7]).

  • 3
    Compile and Load
    • Connect the 4Duino to the PC using uUSB cable.
    • Then navigate to the Comms tab and select the Comms port to which the 4Duino connected
    • Finally, go back to “Home” tab and now click on the “Comp’nLoad” button.
    • Workshop 4 IDE will prompt you to insert a µSD card to the PC in order to save the widget images. Select uSD card to be loaded and Click “OK”.

    View all 4 instructions

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    clarkesmith392 wrote 06/02/2023 at 19:12 point

    Hi this looks amazing. I would love to use it my custom smart home by .

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    Johann wrote 01/05/2020 at 18:50 point


    Thank you for sharing the project. Do you perhaps have an alternative link for the code, seems like the guys at 4D systems may have changed something since the link doesn't work?

    Kind regards

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