
TI LaunchPad IRC bot

An IRC bot written in Energia (Arduino/Wiring) for the TM4C129 "Tiva-C Connected LaunchPad"

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As a test of the "Ethernet" library for Energia, introduced when the Tiva-C Connected LaunchPad first released, I decided to write an IRC bot in the Arduino/Energia C++ dialect.

This can run on other platforms and I have tested it on the TI CC3200 WiFi along with other MCUs sporting the TI CC3100 WiFi adapter boosterpack. If you have an Arduino implementation of the "Client" API you could probably doctor it to run on any other controller. I like the TM4C129 series because it has lots of memory (256KB SRAM, 1MB Flash).

Current bot code "RadioBot" requires SPI, Ethernet, Enrf24, and Pkt - for use with an nRF24L01+ IoT-esque home sensor network.

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Alexey Y. Woronov wrote 02/23/2020 at 08:19 point

Good job! The IRC robot for TI. Maybe we’ll unite efforts somehow? I would like to create a Cloud ecosystem of IoT and applications around the IRC. We came up with the IRC-IoT open protocol and write an ML system for interacting with things over IRC.

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