
MENTOL SmartWatch

A smartwatch project using STM32 microcontroller with ST7735 1.44' Lcd display screen, Bluetooth 4.0 and some sensors

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It's another DIY smart watch project. I use STM32F103CB microcontroller which is an ARM Cortex M3 with 72mHz clockspeed, 128k flash, RTC and a lot of pins. Over SPI, an ST7735 lcd is connected which has 128x128 resolution in 1.44' lcd size. HM-11 is the bluetooth module to connect a mobile device. It is planned to use 250 mAh Lipo battery with charging circuit.

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Max.K wrote 06/30/2017 at 08:27 point

How does a project get such a huge amount of followers when there are only four lines of text and one picture? 

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drojf wrote 11/15/2017 at 11:44 point

They've probably come here from this forum which has lots of activity:

or from the github page

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