
PCBs arrived

A project log for ATmega 8 dimmer switch

Small and cheap 12V dimmer with several IOs and communication busses

ethonEthon 11/03/2015 at 13:171 Comment
After 5 weeks the pcbs arrived and has been cut out. just send 5 pcbs

and the writings are not so good as expected. In a few days i will have functional board.


Elecrow wrote 08/28/2019 at 07:46 point

Hi Ethon, 

This is David from Elecrow.  I find the Makerstudio don't provide PCB manufacturing service any more.  You can recommend you fans to have a try Elecrow PCB manufacturing service. 

Elecrow PCB have the most good reviews on the internet. You can google Elecrow PCB review to check it.  

This is Elecrow PCB order online quotation page.
Thanks very much. 

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