
Audio Visualizer Hat

A hat to display audio frequencies.

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This project is a 2 channel, 7 frequency audio visualizer based off the MSGEQ7 chip. Two microphones pick up conversation (or ambient noise) and display 7 frequencies around the hat. There is also an option for an audio jack.

Why a hat? I volunteer for Destination Imagination, and during competitions Appraisers are encouraged to wear a creative hat. As usual, I first came up with a project I wanted to try, and later figured out how to strap it to a hat. I left as much electronics exposed as possible because DI is a creative problem solving competition and the kids typically want to learn the how and why of my hat.

The finished product:


ino - 9.29 kB - 05/01/2016 at 18:15


  • 1 × 6 V power supply (4x AA)
  • 1 × Hookup wire
  • 1 × NeoPixel strip 2m Adafruit PN 1461
  • 1 × 10 kΩ pot
  • 1 × Cardboard top hat Party city usually has a selection for a dollar or two.

View all 20 components

  • Building the Arduino Shield

    AndyMac05/01/2016 at 18:39 0 comments

    The build would have to be put together in several parts. A prototyping shield on top of the Arduino would hold most of the circuitry, including the all-important MSGEQ7s, an input for an 1/8" audio jack (for direct audio input instead of the microphones), and a toggle switch between the two. The microphones would be mounted on long wires to each side of the hat as "ears" to provide some amount of directional sensing. A separate "power supply board" would include the two large capacitors used to protect the NeoPixels. Battery packs would be located off to the side. I wanted a rough schematic to work off of while assembling, but the final product has a few differences from the one below.

    A generalized sketch of how the audio inputs work is seen below. I wanted to have two microphone inputs to be analyzed separately, as well as a standard 1/8" audio jack, with a select switch to change between the two.

    This is a shot of the assembled circuit. This circuit had to last through several full day competitions, as well as a week long Global Finals, so I went a little overboard on the batteries. The two packs on top of the hat power each strip of NeoPixels, one for left channel and one for right channel. If the input is loud and/or constant most of the LEDs would be lit up, so the power requirements are actually fairly heavy. At 14 strips, 8 pixels per strip, and 200 mA max draw, the theoretical max is 19.6 A! Obviously by running the lights in Red-Green-Yellow I could limit the max to 1/3 of that, and a maximum brightness would turn it down even further, but that is still a decent amount of power to be carrying around on my head.

    The protoboard on the left is mounted on top of the Arduino and does all audio analysis, sending display info to the NeoPixel strips. A third battery pack underneath the hat (not shown) provides power for the Arduino. There is a 10KOhm trimpot on the upper-left hand corner of the shield that was not in the original plan. This was used as a real-time adjustable gain so the hat would work well in both loud and quiet environments.

    The toughest part of assembly was actually attaching the NeoPixel strips. The silicone cover on each strip does not stick to ANYTHING. As a temporary measure I just ran clear tape across them and onto the hat itself. It was not meant to be a permanent method, but ended up working well enough and held together over the few days I needed it to.

    The hat itself is a cheap cardboard top hat from Party City (the green strips visible under the construction paper gives it away as a St. Patrick's Day hat). Those hats fit very poorly, but a slit up the back with some Velcro (ahem, "hook-and-loop") actually turns it into a very wearable fashion accessory. You can also see the two microphone "ears" on each side of the hat.

    Finally, the test. The hat works remarkably well. Some tweaking was needed to the gain in each strip: the high and low frequencies did not show up well. I ended up with 1.5 - 1.5 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1.5 - 1.5 just to boost the ends a bit. The song is "Valerie" by the Zutons.

    The hat was always intended to work during the daytime, and luckily the NeoPixels are bright enough, even at 1/4 brightness.

    The cymbal crash in the beginning of Marvin Gaye's "Let's get it on" really hits well on this project.

  • Complete Circuit Prototype

    AndyMac10/05/2015 at 03:48 0 comments

    Before putting together the final circuit I put (mostly) everything together on a protoboard. Halfway through the project I found a great resource in Imgur user [omenSP]'s Before I invested in the NeoPixel strip I tested the circuit with a pixel ring I had onhand.

    Once I got the complete strip in I realized I had to cut and resolder for the hat. Every time I work with these pixels I burn out or otherwise damage a pixel. Because of the design I had to cut and resolder the strip. One final test before soldering the complete board:

    The code I used is below. Credit for large portions of the code goes to [omenSP].

      Test #3 adds neopixel ring for visual representation and responsiveness
      MSGEQ7 bands = 63Hz, 160Hz, 400Hz, 1,000Hz, 2,500Hz, 6,250Hz, 16,000Hz
      Most of this was inspired by  &
      I'm sure there is a better way to split L&R channels (omenSP's code averages them for 1 EQ).  For right
      now I did it fairly manually by doubling up on nearly every variable
      At the moment I am sharing strobe and reset pins across both MSGEQ7 chips
    #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>            // NeoPixel Library
    #include <Event.h>                        // Comes with Timer.h library?
    #include <Timer.h>                        // Timer library 
    #include <math.h>                         // Math library
    //------------------------------------PIN DECLARATIONS---------------------------------
    //int ctrlReset    = 2;                   // Digital pin 2 = signal to reset MSGEQ7s
    //int ctrlStrobe   = 3;                   // Digital pin 3 = signal to strobe (read data from) MSGEQ7s
    //int Led4  =  4;                         //LED to light up and test 1 band
    const byte dataPinL            = 8;   // Data pin for Neopixels
    const byte dataPinR            = 9;   // Data pin for Neopixels
    //int channelLeft  =  A0;                 // Analog pin 0 = spectrum data from left channel
    //int channelRight =  A1;                   // Analog pin 1 = spectrum data from right channel
    const byte analogPinL         = A0;   // left channel analog data from shield
    const byte analogPinR         = A1;   // right channel analog data from shield
    const byte strobePin          = 4;   // data strobe for shield
    const byte resetPin           = 5;   // reset strobe for shield
    //------------------------------------VARIABLES/CONSTANTS DECLARATIONS---------------------------------
    //int spectrumLeft[7];                    // Array to store 7 bands of spectrum data from left channel 
    //int spectrumRight[7];                   // Array to store 7 bands of spectrum data from right channel
    const byte numBand = 16;                // Number of LEDS per band.  **change for strip
    const byte numTop = 0;                  // The number of LEDs to have top color
    int peakArrayL[7];                       // Holds peak values for each of the 7 bands
    int peakArrayR[7];                       // Holds peak values for each of the 7 bands
    Timer t;                                // Timing variable
    String colorPick = "GreenYellowRed";    //Select color palette for EQ.  See uint32_t Wheel
    int spectrumReadR;  //R magnitude from shield
    int spectrumReadL;  //L magnitude from shield
    //int audio = MONO;   //set audio mode to mono, combine R&L channels **dunno what this does
    int magL = 0;        //the magnitude of a freq band
    int magR = 0;        //the magnitude of a freq band
    int numONL = 0;      //the number of LEDs on in a freq band
    int numONR = 0;      //the number of LEDs on in a freq band
    float fl_magL = 0.0; //floating point mag after noise removal and scaling
    float fl_magR = 0.0; //floating point mag after noise removal and scaling
    const int noise[]             = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; // set this to magnitude of noise from shield
    const float gain[]            = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; // - gain for each band
    const unsigned long loop_dlay = 35;  // loop delay to slow down display update rate
    byte                //**not the faintest idea what this does, and i feel like it will throw an error
      peak = 0,
      dotCount = 0;
    Adafruit_NeoPixel stripL = Adafruit_NeoPixel(numBand, dataPinL, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //**mult #pins for strip?
    Adafruit_NeoPixel stripR = Adafruit_NeoPixel(numBand, dataPinR, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //**mult #pins for...
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  • Proof of Concept

    AndyMac10/05/2015 at 02:33 0 comments

    The first circuit I built made full use of the analyzer chip. This EE Times article was very helpful during initial construction, and I used a lot of this code for early debugging.

    Reading input directly from the chip proved the circuit worked and the microphone seems to be picking up sound at a reasonable difference.

    I connected a single LED and mapped to one of the frequencies. When that frequency hits a threshold the LED lights. I don't know why, but that single light flashing along with the music (Spoon's "I Turn My Camera On") is funny to me. But overall the circuit works and most importantly it proved that there is no delay between reading the signal and outputting a signal.

    The next step was ordering all of the parts and building out the circuit. The code i used is below. Significant credit to Max Maxfield.

      Test #2 adds LEDs for visual representation
    // MSGEQ7 bands = 63Hz, 160Hz, 400Hz, 1,000Hz, 2,500Hz, 6,250Hz, 16,000Hz
    int ctrlReset    = 2;                   // Digital pin 2 = signal to reset MSGEQ7s
    int ctrlStrobe   = 3;                   // Digital pin 3 = signal to strobe (read data from) MSGEQ7s
    int channelLeft  =  A0;                   // Analog pin 0 = spectrum data from left channel
    //int channelRight =  1;                   // Analog pin 1 = spectrum data from right channel
    int spectrumLeft[7];                     // Array to store 7 bands of spectrum data from left channel 
    //int spectrumRight[7];                    // Array to store 7 bands of spectrum data from right channel
    int Led4  =  4;                  //LED to light up and test 1 band
    void setup()
      pinMode(ctrlReset,OUTPUT);             // Define reset as output
      pinMode(ctrlStrobe,OUTPUT);            // Define strobe as output
      digitalWrite(ctrlReset,LOW);           // Pull the reset signal low
      digitalWrite(ctrlStrobe,HIGH);         // Drive the strobe signal high
    void loop()
      // Display values from the left channel on the serial monitor
      for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        if (spectrumLeft[i] < 100) Serial.print(" ");
        if (spectrumLeft[i] <  10) Serial.print(" ");
        Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print("  ");
      // Display values from the right channel on the serial monitor
      for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        if (spectrumRight[i] < 100) Serial.print(" ");
        if (spectrumRight[i] <  10) Serial.print(" ");
        Serial.print(" ");
      if (spectrumLeft[4] > 100)
    void readMSGEQ7()
    // Read the seven spectrum bands from the MSGEQ7 chips
      digitalWrite(ctrlReset, HIGH);                     // Pulse the reset signal, which causes
      digitalWrite(ctrlReset, LOW);                      // the MSGEQ7s to latch the spectrum values
      delayMicroseconds(75);                             // Delay to meet minimum reset-to-strobe time
      for(int i=0; i <7; i++)                            // Cycle through the 7 spectrum bands
        digitalWrite(ctrlStrobe,LOW);                    // Read current band (then increment to next band)
        delayMicroseconds(40);                           // Wait for outputs to settle
        spectrumLeft[i] = analogRead(channelLeft) / 4;   // Store current values from left & right channels 
    //    spectrumRight[i] = analogRead(channelRight) / 4; // Divide 0-1023 by 4 to give 0-255
    //Dividing by 4 is really for PWM output and I can probably eliminate that later
        delayMicroseconds(40);                           // Delay to meet minimum strobe-to-strobe time
     * Copyright (c) 2014 Clive "Max" Maxfield
     * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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  • Initial Concept

    AndyMac10/03/2015 at 20:53 0 comments

    The overall idea for the project was to have a series of lights around a top hat to display whatever sound was happening in the room. The top of the hat would be used for all electronics. Adafruit's NeoPixels would be ideal, but can also get expensive quickly.

    One of my biggest concerns was being able to process the audio signal quickly enough and display it with an appropriate refresh rate. The answer to my questions came int he form of the MSGEQ7 graphic equalizer display filter. This wonderful bit of hardware takes a single channel audio input and converts it to a DC signal displaying 7 frequency bands. Sparkfun has since re-released their Spectrum Shield, which would have saved some significant effort, but this was a good build nonetheless.

    I was also concerned about the quality of the microphone, especially since nobody would be talking directly into it. The electret microphone breakout from Sparkfun ended up working well.

    In general, the flow would be:

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