Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | Teensy 3.1 |
1 | × | Arduino Pro Mini |
2 | × | Tower Pro MG90S 9g Micro servo |
1 | × | HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor |
1 | × | 2x3W audio amplifier module |
1 | × | SD card adapter |
2 | × | Breadboard-friendly RGB smart Neopixel http://www.adafruit.com/products/1312 |
2 | × | 3mm 8Ohm speakers |
2 | × | 4 AA battery holder |
4 | × | AA batteries |
1 | × | Gold pin headers |
2 | × | 5x7cm proto board |
2 | × | 10uf capacitors |
1 | × | Cardboard and other junk |
1 | × | Lots of different cables and connectors I used what I had, nothing very specific is needed. |