Currently I can program the LPC810, debug it with SWD and have managed to get the DRV8830 motor controllers up and running.
The 810 has a i2c api in it's rom, which makes the controlling of i2c devices relatively easy. Programming is done by holding pin 5 low during startup, then pin 8 and 2 become RX and TX respectively. Then you can up load your code via serial.
Currently I have SWD, serial and i2c enabled. That means I have had to override the reset pin. As I have SWD debugging working I was planning to disable serial to get reset back, but that means I will have to have a 3 poll switch to switch the lines to the serial connection.
The code is currently hacked together and not suitable for publishing, when I re-work it to something decent I will published it.
A quick video overview.
Please make sure to upload photographic or video proof of this project's PCB working by the next deadline (in about two days!)