
3DPCB - Smoothieboard Compatible Driver PCB

The 3DPCB is a Smoothie-compatible PCB designed to fit "normal-sized" 3D printer driver boards.

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3DPCB uses LPC1769 to drive all the electronics on the board, stepper-motor drivers, MOSFETs for heating and fans, and thermistor-inputs. Is has four stepper-drivers, 4 thermistor inputs, six limit inputs, SD-card holder, three power MOSFETs (of which two is driven through a MOSFET-driver) and an onboard DC/DC converter for 3.3V. The whole thing is put on a two-layer PCB, with the size 100x60mm. This board has been printing on both my printrbot and my Prusa I3 for several days. It works great! The only thing that's missing is the ethernet, but that wasn't of any use to me. As it was my first KiCAD board to be produced I did however fail with the vias, as they were not covered with solder-mask. This is fixed in rev. B of the board.
All of the components can be handsoldered, with exception of the A4982/A5984, which you will need a hotair soldering device or a hotplate.

NEW VERSION: 4 layer PCB. - Files are here

GitHub 4 layer, A5984 Edge - Four layer board here - Modified to accept 24V.

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 06/20/2018 at 08:47 point

how did you program your lpc? I have been going nuts trying to get it into isp mode. I am not using your board but a similar cor3d board .

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Christian Lerche wrote 06/20/2018 at 08:55 point

Hey, like on instagram - P2.10 needs to be low during reset, then it will talk to your programmer ;) 

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 06/20/2018 at 09:58 point

i did that but still wont work. also where did you source the chip from ? which programmer did you use? 

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Christian Lerche wrote 06/20/2018 at 10:01 point

I used a cheap CP2102(or 03) maybe - The chip I got from RS components :)

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Shai wrote 02/07/2018 at 18:28 point

Hi, I was wondering if your Github for this is up to date for the 4 and 2 layer pcbs? As I see that they were updated several years ago, but your latest log here is recent.

Have either been tested? And what's the main differences between the 2 layer and 4 layer? I am interested in learning from your design in order to design my own. Just want to make sure I'm learning from something that is tested/works.

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Christian Lerche wrote 03/20/2018 at 07:17 point

Go for the 4 layer A5984 edge version. Better heattransfer, better stepperdrivers. :) 

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 12/04/2015 at 06:18 point

it would have been great if the drivers were socketed. I am not very familiar with kicad ( use eagle ). i will try to do it after i get a hang of kicad.. ( need a smoothieboard for my next project ) 

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Richard wrote 10/28/2015 at 08:01 point

Christian did you put anymore work in this right now? I would love to try this out.

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Christian Lerche wrote 10/28/2015 at 08:44 point

Sure did, I'm in the middle of assembly of one more board - 4 layers, 5 stepper drivers, 4 mosfets, and a little rearranging of the components. 
When I've had the time to assemble it, and have tested it, the finished files will be on github. 

Please do write every now and then in here, as I often go to other projects, like my house and so on. 


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Richard wrote 10/28/2015 at 09:11 point

Thank you for your fast reply!! I would like to try out the 2 Layer PCB. But on your Github you wrote that these aren't working right now. Do you have a fixed version i could try?

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Christian Lerche wrote 10/28/2015 at 09:50 point

"Thank you for your fast reply!! I would like to try out the 2 Layer PCB. But on your Github you wrote that these aren't working right now. Do you have a fixed version i could try?" - Sure thing. I'll do a checkup today, to see if everything is fit for fight - If you are interested I'll send you a 4 layer PCB free of charge, if you can wait until I have tested the PCB. Or just want to dive into the unknown? ;D

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Richard wrote 10/28/2015 at 10:59 point

It would be great if the 2 Layer PCB Layout would be in good shape :D

I would love to try your 4 Layer PCB, when you have tested it. Of course i would take over the cost for shipping. 

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Christian Lerche wrote 10/28/2015 at 11:07 point

- If you go here: - It actually should be the fixed version for two layers. 
Do a check however in KiCAD to be sure it's okay. 

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Ryan White wrote 06/15/2015 at 19:52 point

Any movement on the Rev. B commits to your repo?  Really would like to take a look at this. 

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Christian Lerche wrote 06/15/2015 at 19:54 point

Sure, I'll add it tomorrow. 18 hours tops :) Thanks for letting me know :)

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Ryan White wrote 06/15/2015 at 20:10 point

Awesome, thanks much, looking forward!!

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Christian Lerche wrote 06/17/2015 at 15:05 point - IT'S NOT WORKING AS OF RIGHT NOW! I started adding changes some time ago without git, so I have to go over the PCB soon. But you'll get the idea! :-)

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dandumit wrote 05/29/2014 at 06:11 point
Could you please give some details related to version B ? I intend to adapt a bit your version and use DRV8825 .

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Christian Lerche wrote 05/30/2014 at 22:49 point
Rev B will have a little more features, and I'll make a price comparison for A4982 and DRV8825, just to make sure It'll pay off.
It will stay same size, and it will be possible to have 5 stepper-motor drivers on board. At least if I stay with A4982.

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Christian Lerche wrote 08/22/2014 at 13:26 point
Hi dandumit. I have finished a design with 5 x DRV8825 stepper drivers. It fits the same size as the original board, and has all the features plus improvements from rev A. This is called rev. C. - I haven't produced any boards yet, so I will be careful around uploading it until I have tested that everything works. Please be patient, as I am moving, so I can't keep up on this until I'm settled.

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dandumit wrote 11/27/2014 at 06:37 point
How is it going ? I would like to build myself one !

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Christian Lerche wrote 11/28/2014 at 14:43 point
Hello dandumit. As of now, I still need to pull myself together and solder almost all the components on the PCB. I will try to do it, but I havent got time until after christmas. But when it's done, I'll let you now how it goes :)


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dandumit wrote 05/19/2014 at 13:12 point
I will post my project too. It was meant to drive external power drivers.

For me A4982 it's hard to find or too expansive.
As I find your board more compact, I am tempted to take your project and put DRV8825 as power outputs.
Have you considered this ?

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dandumit wrote 05/19/2014 at 12:24 point
I was very pleased to see another passionate about Kicad and Smoothieware. I have designed a similar board (it's not that complete as yours).
Have you considered to ad SPI display ? eventually encoder ?


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Christian Lerche wrote 05/19/2014 at 13:00 point
Hi, Daniel!
Yeah, the SPI is broken out right next to the ARM, in this board only SMD headers, but I chose THT for rev B. It doesnt fint standard headers, as I didnt have room for that, but wires will go in nicely. A bunch of other IO is broken out dor easy connecting of hardware, ie your encoder :)


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Eric Evenchick wrote 04/17/2014 at 21:55 point
Nice, I'm sure this would be helpful for those building Repraps, tons of IO! Looking forward to seeing more design details.

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Christian Lerche wrote 04/18/2014 at 04:29 point
Hi, Eric! It certainly fits the purpose, and lots more. I'm still working on breaking as much pins from the MCU out, so you're able to connect whatever is neccesary, and still have it done in two layer, so they'll be cheap. Rev. B is still under development, but that'll be done soon.

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