
3.3vdc, resistor networks, blah blah blah

A project log for blinktronicator

Sixteen different LED colors on a teeny tiny board.

zakqwyzakqwy 11/06/2015 at 19:283 Comments

The git repo should be pretty well up to date, but I forgot to grab an image of the schematic. I also updated the BOM spreadsheet to include most of the components. Highlights:

I'll post a fresh image at some point, but I'll probably get to work on layout soon. I have around half of the pad patterns sorted, so that shouldn't be too far off. Hopefully it all fits in 1 in^2.


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Eric Hertz wrote 11/07/2015 at 04:20 point

Ah hah! I was Feed-Lagging. Nice work!

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Eric Hertz wrote 11/07/2015 at 04:27 point

heh -- <old-fart voice> Back in my day, LEDs were rated for 20mA, but if you actually wanted to *see* it, you wouldn't settle for less than 30... You spoiled kids!</old-fart voice>

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zakqwy wrote 11/07/2015 at 12:51 point

Hahaha take that LEDs! Boom!

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