
Parts in the mail

A project log for DIY Box Goggles for Cheap FPV

Nobody likes stupid VR. FPV is da shits.

actualdragonActualDragon 04/09/2018 at 15:350 Comments

There's really only two parts you can't make yourself, and you probably could, but for now i'm not. You need a cheap android phone to be the screen, and you need the receiver. 

Here's where I got the phone: You could probably buy it at a store and get it for that price, but i ordered it and paid way too much for shipping, $7 i think.

The receiver can be bought on ebay here:, but you can find it on ebay for less.

Also, when the seed money goes out, i added these to my cart: They're just like the ones in the google cardboard goggles

One more thing- the phone i bought says it can't run the app, i can't remember the name, because the phone "doesn't have uvc drivers" to run it. If anyone knows how to download those, some tips would be great.
