
Egg bot

Decided at the last minute to build an egg plotter out of scrap and old printe, to be ready in time for Easter.

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So I decided on Tuesday that I want an egg bot before easter (that's this coming Sunday!)

I've got loads of scrap ply wood and such like, and a box full of hardware pulled from London various printers.

So far I've designed the frame in Solid Edge, exported the flat files as dxf files and imported them into Correl Draw to laser cut them at a friends workshop today.

Hopefully tonight or tomorrow am I'll have the hardware all set up, then have Saturday to get the software working in time to print some cool eggs for Easter.
  • 3 × Assorted Stepper motors from printers
  • 3 × Easy Drivers
  • 1 × Arduino
  • 2 × Rubber wheels from a printer paper feed
  • 1 × Spring Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

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