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This project used an esp8266-01 but any of the ESP8266 modules with GPIO ports will work
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Relay board.
You can build your own module or get one on ebay. Note: your going to be switching 110v so makr sure your relay will handle your current requirements.
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110v to 5v DC converter.
There are some nice msall modules or you can salvage a wall wart for your power needs.
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5v to 3.3v power converter.
The esp8266 is a 3.3v device and will be damaged with 5v. Since I couldnt find a 100v to 3v convert I went from 5v to 3v. There are a number different converters available. find one that meets your case space requriements.
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misc wire and connectors for both low and high voltage.
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LED and dropping resistor if you want to see the connection status of the wife port.
Pick a LED and resistor to meet your current needs. Note your at 3.3v so base your calulations on 3.3 and not 5v.