
Star Wars Nerf Targets

Star Wars themed moving Nerf targets

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I made some moving targets that can detect being hit with Nerf darts. When hit, the target hides. One side is worth 1 point, the other side varies on the character.

This was "quickly" made out of parts on hand for a kids event.

Once you press the button to start, you get 60 seconds. As your time counts down on the display, you try to shoot the targets. As you hit them they turn edge-on.

Stormtroopers1 point
Good guys-1 point
Bad guys5 points

Which side of each target you get is determined randomly at the start of each game. If you manage to get them all knocked down before your time runs out, you get bonus points for any remaining time. I used single-shot guns, so it's really hard.

There's another mode where the targets show and hide randomly.

  • 1 × Teensy 2.0
  • 9 × Servo I used Hitec HS-311
  • 9 × Servo extension cable
  • 9 × Piezo disk
  • 9 × 470k Ohm resistors

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  • 1
    Step 1

    I used some scrap wood to knock up a frame to hold the servos.

    There are three rows of three targets, and a space at the bottom for the controller. There's about 14cm between each servo, and about 20cm between each row. It doesn't really matter, as long as there is enough space between the servos for the targets to freely rotate.

  • 2
    Step 2

    The targets are made from corrugated plastic rescued from my yard.

    I used a CD as a template, and added a little extra for a flat mate with the servo horn. The piezo sensor is taped in the middle, and the wires are run through a slit inside the plastic.

    I used bamboo skewers and hot glue to firmly attach the plastic target to the servo horn, and the horn should be screwed to the servo. This prevents them from just snapping off with a good hit.

    The cool pictures are just printouts, appropriately sized, cut out, and spray-glued on.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Each piezo has a diode to rectify the signal, and a 5.1V zener to chop it down to size. I found a 470k resistor would bring it back down at about the right rate.

    I don't claim that this is the right or best way to deal with a piezo, but it worked and nothing blew up. Yet. I probably don't need both diodes.

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Mike Szczys wrote 11/20/2015 at 16:21 point

I really like it that you followed this through to a completely finished look. The functionality was already great, but the inclusion of characters and their good/evil colors will make it addictive. Nice!

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Nathan Gray wrote 11/20/2015 at 16:37 point

Thanks.  I'm learning that budgeting at least 10% for finish is very important.  Slapping a coat of paint on can make even scrap wood look better, but this one turned out really nice.

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