Inspired by this did started to think about small alphanumeric displays. Most of them are old and obsolete and because of that quite expensive. But you can get more modern 14 segment LED displays. I decided to use six digit one like this: (Image by seedstudio)
For controlling this I decided to develop a PCB which does have the same size as the display. For controlling this I will use an ATmega8, a MAX6971 16 channel led driver and some p-channel mosfets. First I will use it as a stand alone thing, but the PCB hast connection for i2c and uart, so this could be also the display for something else.
Here a picture of the PCB design:
I did sent this PCB to osh-park. And got them delivered as you can see in the next picture:
I did also soldered one. I do not know weather they are working, because I did not code any software yet. This and probably some hardware debuggnig will be the next step. More information and progess will come soon.
What's the gray thing around the edge of the PCB?