I needed something that allowed me to embed my Attiny85 into projects in a more permanent fashion. My T85 target board is great for doing prototypes and such but is a tad on the big side. The goals included something that was low-cost, versatile, and small. After playing around in KiCad for a bit, I came up with the board. The board costs under $2USD for three copies from OSHPark which accomplished my first goal.
The board is a bit of a compromise between versatility and size. Something such an ICSP header would be nice, but that would grow the size of the board a bit with a standard-size header. Simply using a socket, allows for pulling the micro and placing it in the T85 target board to flash updated firmware as needed.
For 3 of the I/O pins (P5-P7) there is an option to connect to the pin header pads via either a resistor(0805 size) or simply using a jumper. The other two I/0 pins directly connect to the pin header pads. Pin headers can either be installed or just directly solder wires. A extra VCC and GND pad are also added to give more flexibility.
I designed a project a while back where an ATtiny45 was used as an EDID chip... one of those board-places where I got ten copies, but only needed three... I've cut off that portion of the remaining boards several times just to use it as a tiny45 breakout... Love the '85/'45 (only chose the '45 since it was available in a *really small* surfacemount package)