
​Further Tweaks

A project log for Reflow Oven

A Netduino-based solder reflow oven built from an old toaster oven

sukasaSukasa 11/26/2015 at 23:030 Comments

Well, after having used this oven a couple times, it's clear I could use a few more tweaks to the thing.

First off, and it's been mentioned before, is the thermal insulation in the oven. More reflect-a-gold to improve the heating in the oven and keep a little more of it from being lost through the oven walls. I could also probably insulate it better with insulation along the outside of the oven, especially along the top.

Second, I've noticed that the heating isn't perfectly even along the edges of PCBs. The reflect-a-gold might help with that, but if not I'll have to look at a way to deal with this that isn't just "leave a nice lip at the edge of the PCB". More thought will be required on that front.

Third, updating the profiles is a pain. It's easy to update the firmware via MFDeploy over USB, but updating anything on the SD card currently requires me to remove the cover of the oven to access the electronics bay and remove the SD card (which itself has a ~40% chance of causing the uC to crash and start playing greensleeves). I might try to create an extra class that lets me read and write data to the card, as well as return folder lists. Would make for a nice little side-project to release independently.
