Autonomous ROS-powered robot vacuum cleaner project
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I've installing the same target environment software... But my turtlebot don't work...
When I try "roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch" :
I have this error :
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1487674200.166287] Failed to contact device with error: [Distance, angle displacement too big, invalid readings from robot. Distance: 0.00, Angle: -420.89]. Please check that the Create is powered on and that the connector is plugged into the Create.
Do you have a solution for this issue ?
Thanks !
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Hi fuzzie360, I am trying to create a similar solution using Ubuntu 16.04, Intel RealSense R200, Intel UP Board, and the iRobot Create 2 Programmable Robot. I was wondering if you had any links to the resources you found helpful, especially in regards to 3D mapping and SLAM. Thank you!