
ESP8266 web based temperature sensor

Use an esp8266 to provide temperature data to a web page.

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This is another esp8266 projects. Its also a project on how to modify an existing case for a new purpose. This project uses an esp8266 module that will talk with a DHT11 temperature module and provide the data via a web interface.

This project is how to build a temperature and humidity wifi module. Not all the prep work steps for setting up the chip.

You will need to load the LUA/NODEMCU software.

You can find the latest LUA firmware at howerver it does not support the DHT11 directly. You can compile your own firmware but a quicker way is to make use of the build service offered by This site will custom build your firmware with the options you need. For this project take the default options and select DHT. Now enter your email and click start the build. In 10-15 minutes you will get an email with a link to your firmware to download. Save the firmware and use it for your project.

To load the firmware on the esp8266 windows users can use , Linux/MAC users can use the esptool included with the firmware

For loading the temperature software onto the esp8266 wifi board I would recommend ESPlorer available from github. . This is a java based tool and will run on Windows, Mac or Linux

A good overview of the LUA language can be found at and information about the implemented LUA on the esp8266 can be found on

For more information on the esp8266 line of devices check out

  • 1 × esp8266-01 Any version of the esp8266 with I/O ports will work but I used the -01
  • 1 × Breadboard and wires to connect up the project. Use whatever wire technique works for you. wirewtap, point to point.
  • 1 × temperature sensor DHT-11
  • 1 × Voltage regulator, 5v to 3.3v AMS1117, 7503 or other similar buck converter will work.
  • 1 × Case to house device. I will be using a cheap ebay cell phone power box with one of the batteries removed to make space for the sensors

  • Report

    Gary02/07/2016 at 19:45 0 comments

    I have built a couple of these and placed them in various locations. I have a simple curl script on my linux server poll the devices and collect temperature.

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  • 1
    Step 1


    THE ESP 8266 is a 3.3v device. DONT connect VCC or any of the pins to a 5v source or it will damage the device.


  • 2
    Step 2

    The build is pretty simple, use whatever technique works for you. My build I used some 22 guage (wirewrap) wire and soldered the small number of connections. Connect VCC (3.3v) from the voltage regulator to the DHT11 and esp8266. Connect ground to both devices as well. Now connect data pin the DHT11 to the GPIO0 on the ESP8266

    Becarefull when you look at the pinouts since your going to be working on the board upside down and pins will be inverted and reversed as well.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Here is the pinout for the DHT11

View all 11 instructions

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Anders Green wrote 03/15/2016 at 09:56 point

Do you set the esp to sleep mode or is it always on at full speed? And, how long does a battery last typically?

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Gary wrote 03/05/2016 at 00:50 point

The voltage regulator board comes as a module preassembled. No external componets needed. I used something similar to these

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garycshaver wrote 03/04/2016 at 16:04 point

Could you share how you configured your voltage regulator board? Were capacitors and other components needed?

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Kerr First wrote 02/09/2016 at 07:25 point

Thank you Gary, maybe too $$ but this could be a vent

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Gary wrote 12/19/2015 at 14:59 point

I updated the github software repository to include the offset function to allow you compensate of enclosed enclosures artifically inflating the temperature.

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