
Detector drones and its deactivation.

One of the main wrong uses of technology is through the violation of privacy .

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One of the main wrong uses of technology is through the violation of privacy, for journalists looking for the next hole related to celebrities, as well as terrorists, or in industrial espionage branch .

To address this market problem, Jose Pedro Rodrigues Do Amaral Ribeiro created a drone detector, which runs on 2.5 KM radius, and can send alerts (SMS / voice / email / etc) on early approach or even even firing a trigger (laser) in a secondary system that can properly handle the invasion with the deactivation and destruction (s) drones antdrones system.
or pays or contributes to study .
or pays or contributes Razao social Jose Pedro Rodrigues do Amaral Ribeiro
IBAN BR190036 0305 0392 1000 1101 343C 1
Agencia 3921
Operaçao 001
Conta DV 001110134-3

PIX +5561998487514
  • 1 × computador I 7
  • 1 × programação C
  • 2 × protótipo escala
  • 1 × plataforma MEGA 2560
  • 1 ×

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glowtechy40 wrote 09/16/2024 at 07:59 point

you really did a great job to make this electric honda  program object i want to embed it with my web page. you can see her [

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Brian wrote 01/30/2016 at 23:30 point

Why do you keep creating these ridiculous IO entries using other peoples copyrighted photo's?

This is not a kickstarter site!

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