
Testing the Module

A project log for Autonomous Agri-robot Control System

Controlling autonomous robots the size of a small tractor for planting, weeding and harvesting

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 05/02/2018 at 17:320 Comments

We've already done a number of tests of this module over on the WEEDINATOR project, including navigation by object recognition and navigation by GNSS via waypoints downloaded from an online database through a cell phone GPRS connection.

The next test is to manually operate the actual weeding mechanism and for this we've had to plant up some test beds with actual live vegetable seedlings:

Soon the CNC mechanism will be automatic with movement of a rotating claw hard coded into the TC275. Hopefully, damage to the vegetables will be minimised by using some kind of object recognition to map out the grid of plants as a 2 dimensional array. If the Pixie is not up to the job, a NVidia Jetson TX2 will do the job.
