
Total (Atomic) Annihilation

A project log for Fusion Core Powerbank [Fallout 4]

Power banks are cool. So are fusion cores in Fallout 4.

georgeGeorge 01/15/2016 at 08:283 Comments

I started printing the case yesterday and because it was almost 10h print, it should end in about 3 in the morning. Everything was going smoothly until midnight, when really bad cry of motors wake me up. The filament unrolled from spoon and get tangled in .. everything. This blocked the movement of printer and print fail at ~80% :C

I'll have to clean up the printer and fix the unrolling filament with some short of break and then i can try printing it again. At least i can hopefully test magnets (if they arrive today by a post), if they will fit in the model and modify it if needed.


Craig Hissett wrote 01/15/2016 at 13:06 point


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davedarko wrote 01/15/2016 at 11:13 point

Oh dear! 80% sounds frustrating. Can you fix it by printing the the other 20% and glue it? That's what I did sometimes. Any pictures? 

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George wrote 01/15/2016 at 12:33 point

I guess... it's a solution too. I did not examine it that much, just with one eye open turn off the printer and went to sleep again. I'll check it when i arrive home (and also take some pictures)

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